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Friday 20 February 2015

[Targets] Weekly Targets - Friday 27th Feb

These are the weekly targets - Due to Ben being absent secondary tasks for some of us have been moved to environment priorities.

Weekly Targets
Aaran - Texture for Deviant & Gauss completed. Secondary - Move onto modelling the courtyard for the tavern and if possible UV.

Aidan - Female NPC - Modeled & Textured. Secondary - If possible move onto the courtyard, collaborating with Aaran.

Rhys - Questing system queries & Apply a working quest system prototype.

Kyle - Tavern Interior & City Gate - Fully textured and applied in engine.

Mike - Animation - Resolve jump issue in engine, Implement the following in engine:
Punch combo

These are set to be achieved by next Friday 27th Feb, Make sure we continue to post those updates just screen grab and a small amount of text explaining what you are doing. Also if you have a problem do not forget to post to show as evidence for Fridays.

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