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Thursday 12 February 2015

[Engine] Scotland interaction (beta)

Overlap volume near gate, gate closes when player walks over box, guard animation will play, scotland will spawn behind player. Player talks to scotland, scotland will tell player to go to the Tavern and look for Grimm, player goes to Tavern to find Grimm, asks the barkeep, barkeep tells Flynn Grimm is out back, Grimm on table. Target practice will start, afterwards Grimm tells the player where Gauss is and where to go to get there and when Flynn enters back yard an object (merchant cart?) will block the main street forcing the player to go to the warehouse directly. Gauss fight will then start, Gauss dies, player gets an item, takes it to the merchant (who is near the gate now) and gets the pass to go into the city. game ends at this point. 

Buttons don't work right now. Might limit the interaction option to just one button to keep it simple. Will be able to put in the rest of the interaction (tavern owner, Grimm) when I figure out how to get Scotland's interaction working. Then I have to add an event for when Gauss dies to get an item and have it be stored as a variable to "trade" (add and remove a variable) with Scotland to get the pass to get through the gate. Will add door opening/closing when the Gate, Tavern door and Warehouse door are modeled. 

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