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Thursday 5 February 2015

[Cinematics and Pre Viz] Updated narrative (Kyle Jenkins)

Pre Viz Sequence:

1) Flynn walks up the stairs
Shot: Flynn's feet

2) Flynn looking at the door
Shot: Through Flynn's legs at the door

3)  Flynn's hand opening the door
Shot: First person view of hand pressing on door

4) Top down view
Shot: Door Closed - Look at room

5) Top down view
Shot: Door open- Flynn walking in

6) Top Part office view looking at Flynn coming into the room
Shot: yes

7) Flynn sees a stack of books and flicks his hand
Shot: First person view

8) Flynn walking with book floating in front of him
Shot: First person view

9) Flynn gets distracted, book drops 
Shot - Third person

10) Flynn walking up the stairs
Shot- From the top of the stairs

11) Flynn moving towards the top of the stairs
Shot - from behind as he reaches the top of the stairs

12) Flynn sees Grimm glowing on the lecturn
Shot- First person view from a small distance moving with bob (?)

13) Flynn moves closer to the book almost close enough to touch
Shot: first perso still with "bob" as if walking

14) Book slams open
Shot- first person shot

15) Book is open, slow zoom (into book?)
Shot - first person view and zoom

16) 2D Sequence

"I hate the 2D sequence we should scrap it" - Aidan

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