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Wednesday 18 February 2015

[Pre-Viz] Color & Lighting for our Scene

Starting with the stairs at the start of our scene will be dark and only lit by the lanterns.

Orange tint from the lanterns - lighting up the stairs.
Stairs - Dark grey and black

Door at top of stairs
Keeping to the grey style of the color
Door - Dark wood shinning when light hits it
Door knob - Handle has a slight tint to it due to the orange tint off the lantern.

Door Opening
Burst of light shinning through the passageway of the door.

Book POV at Flynn
White glow from the book making it stand out.
light coming from the wooden chandelier giving off the glow for the rest of the scene.

Next three scene focusing on the same lighting not changing. Other sources of lighting coming from the scenery such as purple tint from potions and green out of the cauldron.

Walking up the stairs
Focusing on the stairs its a light scene and the orange tint from the lanterns lighting up the walk path of Flynn.

Focusing on the white glow of the book as the major source of light for the next three scenes.
Once the book opens the glow dies down, until no extra light source is needed.

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