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Thursday 5 February 2015

Game Trailer Reference & Transition Slides

Aaran Griffiths

These are some simple transition slides following the game trailer planning last Thursday, it's my job to create all splash pages and transitions within the trailer with 2D screenplay animation aswell as the graphics design of the pages, we wanted a plain black transition with the main font we plan to use in the game 'Trajan Pro'. A new studio logo was revised for the beginning of the gameplay trailer. Here are the transition pages, all in all it took about 10 minutes to finish this, the team wanted to get this smaller stuff complete whilst the actual game is still in progress, these will be refined and also animated. The title for the game is currently a black and white placeholder, the final stone title is still being done and as you can see below, is making progression. The music will be discussed in todays lecture:

Overwatch Gameplay Trailer:

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