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Friday 24 October 2014

[General] Class Feedback

Rhys Bevan

Finalize what gameplay/game is, what the player does, show the fun in the game (Does not have to be functional just represented). Art target finished by the end of the semester. One corner textured and built with assets with the rest of the level white boxed in engine with temporary features. Gameplay/engine work considered.

Character models in engine by first semester presentation. Everything will be laid out in the design brief. Game needs basic functionality. Character/proxy mesh running around the level with functional/represented mechanics and in whiteboxed level/with the final art target.

-Reduce the size of the level 
-Reduce the scope of characters if needed

1 protagonist
1 guide
1 antagonist
1 enemy

Allocate/debate roles and stick to them unless stated in weekly targets. Keep roles relevant, and mention to people if they start going to a different topic.

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