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Monday 27 October 2014

[General] Lecture Notes/Group Meeting/Weekly Targets

Duck Samurai

In Attendance:

Things talked about in lecture:
Amendments to each of our teams gantt charts
Allocation of tasks and sticking to tasks
Engine task clarification

Things to do:
-Change the gantt chart from week 5 onward, accommodating the second semester
-Ben and Kyle start talking about environment and level design with Aidan ( Final layout)
-Week 9 onwards, asset importing needs to start
-Complete whitebox by week 6 and from week 7 start level creation
-Rhys: start researching and applying research from asset implementation and character implementation and do the intial whitebox
-Single enemy returning, Aaran to do the concepts by the end of week 5/6
- Colour schemes taken from reference images (Moodboards)/concepts for texturing (Adobe Kuler)
- Interior for warehouse and admin building (Foyer). Concepts and reference images (Moodboards)
-Market size: 8-10 Market stalls

This weeks targets:
Aaran: Side reference for Gauss, tome iterations, tome final concept, concept colour schemes, (Create 2/3 reference moodboards for each concept), start modelling Gauss for next Friday.
Aidan: (Environment) - Aidan will be helping the environment sub group this week with a smaller more efficient final top down view alongside progressing with his character work, Flynn iterations, Flynn changes (Armour), Merchant iterations, Guard iterations, Guard final concept, (Create 2/3 moodboards for each concept).
Kyle: Top down design with Aidan, level progression, none unique assets, crane model.
Ben: Modelling 2 small carts and 1 boats, 2 barrel variations, 2 runic pillar variations.
Mike: Basic character movements (Flynn - Motionbuilder).
Rhys: Whitebox and write-up on importing assets into engine from Maya (Videos if possible).

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