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Sunday 5 October 2014

[General] Initial Planning

Kyle Jenkins

As of recent discovery we had to implement what our game really was and going back to the big question "What does the player do?" this is one of the most valuable questions when it comes to creating games not what we originally created which was a non playable scene from a game idea we once had. 
We were given the task in year one to create a 3rd Person, Adventure game that was magic based and we took that in our stride creating a heavy lore based story and not focusing on the game elements of this game.

As you can see in the image above we asked that fundamental question to ourselves and then we took it came to us that the game will include combat and the addition of puzzles into our game using our elemental magic. Using our theme of Industrial Britain we wanted to aim to infuse that with magic as we came together as group we all decided on using the elements in a magical form will give the player a different experience than they are use to. 

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