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Thursday 27 November 2014

[Engine] Health/Mana bars on HUD, Player respawn when killed

Engine Update

Health and Mana Bars:

What it looks like in designer:
Setting up health bar, looks exactly the same for mana bar
 Casting health bar to HUD:

 What it looks like in game (Mana bar color is bugged, won't change off default orange)

To fix: 

Bars don't scale, it's completely full until you hit 0 health/mana, then it's completely empty.
Mana bar different colour

To do:

Open interface for Grimm when button is pressed
Pushable butons for spells with D Pad mapped to UI

Player respawn mechanic:

For now I set it so if you press F the player dies, waits 2 seconds and then respawns. 

To do:

Kill player when 0 health is reached (I can't figure out where to add it on to the fall damage or how to start it as it's own independent blueprint, I'm sure It's painfully obvious but I can't think it up right now)
Print death message on screen when player dies?

Will do velocity based fall damage in class, need to verify something.

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