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Thursday 6 November 2014

[Concept] Character Moodboards

Aaran Griffiths

This is some primary and secondary referencing material found for each of the characters I'm currently designing, during my feedback from my Gauss progress post, I condensed all reference material down into primary moodboards from mainly real life sources and secondary referencing from existing artwork that inspired my designs, from these I created some first pass colour schemes on Adobe Kuler that I could loosely apply to my design work and use as a palette later on for the texturing stage of the project.

I looked at the colours used for each of the elements we plan to have in our game, Grimm will make use of blue arcane magic powered from a crystal on its cover whereas Gauss will have the antagonists signature dark element which is represented by purple and powered by the purple crystals on his body and lastly the deviants which use the element of earth (Green).

Gauss/Gauss Deviant Insect Moodboard (Head Reference)

Gauss/Gauss Deviant Stone Moodboard (Body Reference)

Gauss Purple Crystal Moodboard (Magic/Weapon Reference)
Dark Element (Virus)

Gauss/Gauss Deviant Secondary Moodboard

Gauss/Gauss Deviant Secondary Stone Moodboard (Body Reference)
Gauss Deviant Crystal Moodboard (Magic/Weapon Reference)
Earth Element

Grimm Crystal Moodboard (Arcane Magic)

Grimm Secondary Cover Moodboard (Cover Reference)

Grimm Magic Moodboard (Magic Reference)

Grimm Book Moodboard (Book Reference)

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