Week 6 Targets:
*This weeks targets must be met along with anything from last week that wasn't completed, please look back at the previous weeks targets, this is our last at push 2 weeks for concept work so lets make it count, if you finish your targets and would like to work outside of your sub group for something, please address Kyle or myself before doing so, so we can make the following changes to weekly targets and gantt charts. Try to get atleast half your targets done by Fridays lecture and then completion by sunday. Apologies for the late weekly target upload, we discussed them Monday in Richards lecture and I had to consider things to be finished by Tuesday*
*Use personal gantt charts in coherence with the production plan to see if anything needs changing to reduce bottlenecking and getting things to the completed stage, if things on the gantt chart haven't been completed in the previous weeks, add them to your targets*
*This weeks targets must be met along with anything from last week that wasn't completed, please look back at the previous weeks targets, this is our last at push 2 weeks for concept work so lets make it count, if you finish your targets and would like to work outside of your sub group for something, please address Kyle or myself before doing so, so we can make the following changes to weekly targets and gantt charts. Try to get atleast half your targets done by Fridays lecture and then completion by sunday. Apologies for the late weekly target upload, we discussed them Monday in Richards lecture and I had to consider things to be finished by Tuesday*
*Use personal gantt charts in coherence with the production plan to see if anything needs changing to reduce bottlenecking and getting things to the completed stage, if things on the gantt chart haven't been completed in the previous weeks, add them to your targets*
Kyle: Continue none unique asset modelling (3 models), the crane model needs to be primarily done by Fridays lecture, Sunday at the latest.
Ben: Continue none unique asset modelling (3 models), other barrel variations (If needed) along with other none unique assets on the asset list.
Aidan: (Tuesday) - Get Guards, Flynn's changes & Merchant done by Tuesday, Friday at the latest. Need to have started 2 models by Friday.
Mike: Final motion capture session (NPC, Gauss & enemy movement). Further refinement on motion capture data regarding all of Flynn's movements ready for animation.
Rhys: Whitebox/Test area (In Unreal 4), refine whitebox to a completed standard, whitebox needs to stick to grid with appropriate scale. Add bridge to the canal.
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