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Thursday 13 November 2014

[Engine] Update

Rhys Bevan

Was going to add inventory system and health/mana bar but ran into problems very early in blueprinting so I just scrapped it for this week. Will try get them done for next week.
We're 3rd person now.
Changed the lighting to represent evening/sunset, may need to make changes depending on feedback from group.
Added crosshair (do we need?)
Added lamp posts/ lights in the level, may need change (larger coverage? Intensity? Colour, magic lamp? ect)

Blueprint for Crosshair (It worked before but stopped working for some reason)
 First pass on lighting:

Second Pass (Changed because of glitch with sky reverting back to default and not changing back, so I just redid it.)

To do list:
Learn animation character blueprints
Learn AI character blueprints
Lighting over doorways and in back alleys (lamps)
Other stuff I haven't thought about.

Feedback in class/in comments appreciated.

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