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Tuesday, 24 March 2015

[Trailer] Shots and More Info on these

1st Shot- Pan view of the dock starting from left moving fading out at right.

2nd Shot - Top Down view zooming into the top of shambles lane, Flynn is already in motion moving through the shambles and we zoom down and follow him in the view of the perspective.

3rd Shot - Replace Tavern Shot, take off and fade after following Flynn through shambles lane

4th Shot - Replace Gate Tower Shot, Flynn at shambles walking away from fight scene with deviant in the shambles, walking towards the camera.

5th Shot - Intro for Flynn connected straight after the walking towards the camera shot.

6th & 7th Shot - Replacing the text with animated symbols of the elements.

8th Shot - Change Camera work on Flynn vs Deviant fight - from the players perspective (With HUD) make this a choreographed fight

9th Shot - Focus more on the wall posters than panning to quickly past them.

10th Shot - Gauss Formation - From rock to character

11th Shot - Gauss moving his body into an attack formation - almost battle state

12th Shot - Gauss moving as though he is going to enter a battle, Camera Features from Players perspective.

13th Shot - Camera features mostly Flynn as he readies up for battle against Gauss.

14th Shot - CVS logo - Smoke into the logo.

15th Shot - Coming Soon Screen.

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