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Friday 20 March 2015

[Groups] Asset List - Mark them off once complete

This is list complied by Rhys which he wants for the engine implementation.

General Assets
Fish Net
Stone Wall
Sea Wall
Runic Pillar
Lantern - Wall light
Small Stalls (Outside Shops)

Shambles: Assets and Textures (BEN)
Lamppost, Crates (some closed and some fallen and open), Barrels, Buckets (Some spilled over and a couple upright), Lanterns.

Textures: Darker Grunge style and Cracked on Lanterns & Lamppost, Darker Wood showing the murkiness of the wood grain.

Main Dock Section and Shop Area (AARAN)
Lamppost, Crates, Barrels, Benches Buckets, Small Stalls

Textures: Lighter Brighter Style metals and also the Lighter wood on the assets surrounding the dock.

Warehouse & Wharf Area (KYLE)
Lamppost, Crates (Some Open/Closed) Barrels, Buckets.

Textures: The look of damp wood and creation of a fish net textures, Wood rope around the pillars.

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