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Friday 27 March 2015

Quests/In-Game Script

Aaran Griffiths & Kyle Jenkins

Here is the final game script (Aside from the 2D dialogue which will be uploaded separate) - we discussed many possible voice actors and script ideas before settling on these, subtleties are prone to change:

Adam Pugsley as Flynn
Richard Langridge as Gauss
Year 2 Game Design as Crowd
? as Butch
? as Scotland
Royston Griffiths as Grimm

CVS - First Quest Script

Merchant: ‘’Lookin’ to get in city are ya? I can help with that lad’’

Flynn: ‘’…’’

Merchant: ‘’I dunny want anything in return, just a little help for a friend in need *cough*’’

Flynn: ‘’How I do I know I can trust you?’’

Merchant: ‘’Trust doesn’t exist within these walls anymore lad, we have friend in common’’

(Monologue) Flynn: ‘’Hmm looks like I have no other choice’’

Merchant: ‘’The Rift-walkers Retreat… that’s where ya’ll be headin’ next’’

CVS – Barman Script

Flynn: ‘’Can you help me? I’m looking for some Grimm guy…?’’

Butch: ‘’Guy? Ha ha ha… yeah sure, he’s out back’, head on through’’

CVS – Gauss Script

Gauss: ‘’I am suppose to be apposed by you boy…’’

Gauss: ‘’The fate of Voidstone is now inevitable, Flynn, an attempt to stop me has little point… me and my walkers will bring the cataclysm, Voidstone will be reborn’’

Gauss: ‘’I will crush you…’’

Flynn: ‘’I accept your challenge, great monolith, face my arts’’


CVS – In-Game Voiceovers

Near water (Flynn - Monologue): ‘’I don’t think that’s a good idea!’’
‘’Not right now’’
‘’I need to focus on my tasks’’

Flynn (Fight): ‘’Grunt’’ x5
Idle – ‘’I’d better get moving’’
Away from Merchant – ‘’I think I need to speak to him’’

Gauss (Fight): ‘’Die… boy!’’
‘’Grunt’’ x5
‘’Feel my power’’
‘’This is the end’’

Deviant (Fight): ‘’Grunt’’ x5

Butch: ‘’Whistling’’ x3

Crowd Noise

Grimm: ‘’Ahh Voidstone, the industrial gem’’
‘’Hectors Miracle Cure, he’s still trying to sell that?’’
‘’Noah’s Imports, the finest boats in all of Voidstone’’

‘’Ooh my spine!’’

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