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Monday 30 March 2015

[Animation] Flynn Dodgeroll 30/03/2015

well here is Flynn rolling in engine unfortunately having trouble getting the animation to work with on the character but well at least its done mostly for now. going to be working on Flynn Strafe Animations tomorrow

[Update] Kyle's Daily Environment Update - 30/03/2015

Hey guys well I got the new door in the wharf textured after finishing off the Admin building textures. I am working tomorrow so my post will be late and not as much as other days but will try and get some work up.

[EASTER TARGETS] All the targets for the three weeks

Here are the targets, come on guys no excuses for being lazy, we need this work done and its got to be sent to rhys for engine implementation.

Sceduling in a weekly meeting is vital NO EXCUSES for non attendance we shall either pick a day and we all have to come into uni or over Skype. THIS IS NEEDED weekly basis.

Friday 27 March 2015

Quests/In-Game Script

Aaran Griffiths & Kyle Jenkins

Here is the final game script (Aside from the 2D dialogue which will be uploaded separate) - we discussed many possible voice actors and script ideas before settling on these, subtleties are prone to change:

Adam Pugsley as Flynn
Richard Langridge as Gauss
Year 2 Game Design as Crowd
? as Butch
? as Scotland
Royston Griffiths as Grimm

CVS - First Quest Script

Merchant: ‘’Lookin’ to get in city are ya? I can help with that lad’’

Flynn: ‘’…’’

Merchant: ‘’I dunny want anything in return, just a little help for a friend in need *cough*’’

Flynn: ‘’How I do I know I can trust you?’’

Merchant: ‘’Trust doesn’t exist within these walls anymore lad, we have friend in common’’

(Monologue) Flynn: ‘’Hmm looks like I have no other choice’’

Merchant: ‘’The Rift-walkers Retreat… that’s where ya’ll be headin’ next’’

CVS – Barman Script

Flynn: ‘’Can you help me? I’m looking for some Grimm guy…?’’

Butch: ‘’Guy? Ha ha ha… yeah sure, he’s out back’, head on through’’

CVS – Gauss Script

Gauss: ‘’I am suppose to be apposed by you boy…’’

Gauss: ‘’The fate of Voidstone is now inevitable, Flynn, an attempt to stop me has little point… me and my walkers will bring the cataclysm, Voidstone will be reborn’’

Gauss: ‘’I will crush you…’’

Flynn: ‘’I accept your challenge, great monolith, face my arts’’


CVS – In-Game Voiceovers

Near water (Flynn - Monologue): ‘’I don’t think that’s a good idea!’’
‘’Not right now’’
‘’I need to focus on my tasks’’

Flynn (Fight): ‘’Grunt’’ x5
Idle – ‘’I’d better get moving’’
Away from Merchant – ‘’I think I need to speak to him’’

Gauss (Fight): ‘’Die… boy!’’
‘’Grunt’’ x5
‘’Feel my power’’
‘’This is the end’’

Deviant (Fight): ‘’Grunt’’ x5

Butch: ‘’Whistling’’ x3

Crowd Noise

Grimm: ‘’Ahh Voidstone, the industrial gem’’
‘’Hectors Miracle Cure, he’s still trying to sell that?’’
‘’Noah’s Imports, the finest boats in all of Voidstone’’

‘’Ooh my spine!’’

[HUD/UI] Fable Changes - Good Ref and Help

[Kyle Jenkins | 27/03/2015]
This is a good indication of what might be needed to change the way we look at HUD and UI design.

HUD/UI Fable Article

Canal model

[Shambles] Ye olde

Wednesday 25 March 2015

[Animation] Wednesday update Death and Rebuild

So that nearly all of Gauss animations done just need to give them to Rhys to sort into engine and ask a lecturer about the rotation of a main bone not effecting its child bones.

[Update] Kyle's Posters

Trailer - Flynn Intro Animation & Element Transition Slide Animations

Aaran Griffiths

Here is the current progress for the Thursday targets, 4 of the 6 posters have been completed for the poster shot in the trailer and are on the drive ready for engine implementation. Using the same method for TCoV title shot, I created a blue cobblestone Flynn text with white glows to compliment the title text and logo, the animation is finished as you can see, however, the smoke color needs to be changed in order to achieve a magic effect and also the background on the smoke isn't transparent and needs to be faster, this will be sorted and uploaded later on, the same process was also used for the element slide:

*I couldn't upload a video due to some export difficulties*

Tuesday 24 March 2015

[Animation] Tuesday update Gauss Animations

Well that's four of 5ish Gauss Animations done, from left to right you have Idle, Charge, Walk and Attack. Just having trouble with his Death still due to Parent Joints Keep Moving their Child Joints need a solution to that should be done by Tomorrow.

[Game Trailer] Camera shot blockout

[Update] Warehouse & Wharf

Here is the modeled Warehouse and Wharf.

[Trailer] Shots and More Info on these

1st Shot- Pan view of the dock starting from left moving fading out at right.

2nd Shot - Top Down view zooming into the top of shambles lane, Flynn is already in motion moving through the shambles and we zoom down and follow him in the view of the perspective.

3rd Shot - Replace Tavern Shot, take off and fade after following Flynn through shambles lane

4th Shot - Replace Gate Tower Shot, Flynn at shambles walking away from fight scene with deviant in the shambles, walking towards the camera.

5th Shot - Intro for Flynn connected straight after the walking towards the camera shot.

6th & 7th Shot - Replacing the text with animated symbols of the elements.

8th Shot - Change Camera work on Flynn vs Deviant fight - from the players perspective (With HUD) make this a choreographed fight

9th Shot - Focus more on the wall posters than panning to quickly past them.

10th Shot - Gauss Formation - From rock to character

11th Shot - Gauss moving his body into an attack formation - almost battle state

12th Shot - Gauss moving as though he is going to enter a battle, Camera Features from Players perspective.

13th Shot - Camera features mostly Flynn as he readies up for battle against Gauss.

14th Shot - CVS logo - Smoke into the logo.

15th Shot - Coming Soon Screen.

[Environment] Generic Textures

Monday 23 March 2015

[Animation] Monday Update

working on all of Gauss animations will post videos of them tomorrow. should have them done as well

[Kyle] Update

Boat is modeled and I am just need to lightmap it and then texture.

Friday 20 March 2015

[Groups] Asset List - Mark them off once complete

This is list complied by Rhys which he wants for the engine implementation.

General Assets
Fish Net
Stone Wall
Sea Wall
Runic Pillar
Lantern - Wall light
Small Stalls (Outside Shops)

Shambles: Assets and Textures (BEN)
Lamppost, Crates (some closed and some fallen and open), Barrels, Buckets (Some spilled over and a couple upright), Lanterns.

Textures: Darker Grunge style and Cracked on Lanterns & Lamppost, Darker Wood showing the murkiness of the wood grain.

Main Dock Section and Shop Area (AARAN)
Lamppost, Crates, Barrels, Benches Buckets, Small Stalls

Textures: Lighter Brighter Style metals and also the Lighter wood on the assets surrounding the dock.

Warehouse & Wharf Area (KYLE)
Lamppost, Crates (Some Open/Closed) Barrels, Buckets.

Textures: The look of damp wood and creation of a fish net textures, Wood rope around the pillars.

[Environment] main warehouse

the main ware house is ready for engine it has a light map been UV unwrapped and textured and on the drive ready for import.

Skydome Update - Nearly ready for Engine Implementation

Aaran Griffiths

Here are the low detailed buildings/skydome texture and dome base, the texture was applied to the dome and needs final tweaking making it able to tile and adjust the size in the uv editor, it's nearly and is ready to be dressed in engine by Rhys: