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Thursday 8 January 2015

[Engine] Progress Update

Air Double Jump:
 Need to add event landed to the blueprint somehow so I can reset the spell so It can keep being activated. Also, it doesn't work.
 Need to figure out a way to execute the velocity of the target being reduced to 0. Same for the ice projectile's slow effect, but instead it needs to slow the target by X% amount.
This was my attempt at the fire "wall" . Spell deals 0 damage and instantly gets destroyed when the player walks over it. Need to time it so it lasts X seconds.

Other problems
Fireball spell needs a timer added to it to space out the DoT effect.

Can't figure out how to do:
Air Knockback (Can't get physics impulse (not even sure if I'm doing it right) to work on test character (using flynn's mesh/skeleton))
Earth Wall spell: nothing spawns on activating spell. Need to add timer so it lasts X seconds (but first solve spawning issue)
Ice Shield (need to somehow reduce damage the player takes when the component around the shield is overlapped, I don't know how to go about this)

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