So just a quick update on the deviant model, I changed some of the deposits to a flat style to give the deviant more of a brute feel, I've added in alot more detail to the main body and arm alongside the imported runic icon so he's slowly but surely coming to life, I also took a look at some hand painted rock surfaces and such for when both Gauss and The Deviant are being textured. Still a long way to go with the overall detail, I need to get the edges of the rock more stylised with both Gauss and The Deviant so I'm also working on that. I shall either update again later on or tomorrow depending on how much he has changed in terms of detail. I'm working on the legs right now and the addition of more crystals on the main body so shall keep progress posted. Thanks guys! - If anyone comes across some good rock topology images on Pinterest or Google Images feel free to share links on here or the Facebook group:
I've also scaled in him down guys! This will be the smaller variant, the larger one will differ only with the icon, crystal formation and will have orange crystals instead of green.