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Friday 5 December 2014

[Environment/Character] Crystal Deposits

Aaran Griffiths

These are some environment assets I helped out with, we decided on 3 variations with multiple sizes, the reason for this was to create a plethora of unique deposits throughout the level, each type of crystal will be grouped together to create a unique deposit, these are also going to be used for Gauss and the Deviants. The colours will be blue (rare/Grimm) purple (common/Gauss) and green (Dormant). We have the colours of our two primary crystals blue and purple for Gauss and Grimm the two housers for the main source of power in the game and the green crystals because of the Deviants earth power, the green crystals won't have any real significance in the game however, just aesthetics. They will have broken crystals added later on and less clean and more rugged looks, with bits of undeveloped crystals scattered around the big deposits.

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