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Monday 15 December 2014

[Pre Viz] Storyboard for 3D section

(Forgot to publish it, whoops.)

My drawing is terrible, but I hope I at least get the idea of what's supposed to happen across with this. 
Props in the scene are placeholder as I didn't know what to draw. Room not to scale, camera angles in frame 3/4/5/6 subject to change, drew it like that because in the narrative the camera angle didn't change from shot 2 until shot 7. 

Saturday 13 December 2014

[Animation] Flynn Mocap data attached

Flynn Mocap data has now been attached and baked to Flynn mesh so now its a case of cleaning up the data and Flynn. 13/12/14

[General] Engine and Animation targets for January Presentation

Mike and Rhys targets - 13/12/2014


Finished Walk animation

Finished Run animation

Finished Jump animation

Finished 2 offense spell animations

Finished 2 defense spell animations

Finished 2 Idle animations


Finished all 4 offensive spell mechanics

Finished all 4 defensive spell mechanics

Implementation of all items from Environment, Animation and Character,

Record video of each mechanic for presentation

Friday 12 December 2014

[General] Character January Targets (Final targets for January's Presentation)

Aaran & Aidan - January Targets:



5 Characters - Gauss, The Deviant, The Guards, Flynn, Grimm, The Merchant

Thumbnails, Development Sketches, Final Concepts, Models, Unwraps, Textures

Firefly Particles, Virus Particles

UI Design

Spell Effects

Spell Designs


Aaran - Propaganda Posters

Aaran - Tavern Sign

Aidan - Floor Textures

Aidan - Item Pick ups

We need to show progression in the presentation in January, we need to condense all the targets from the gantt charts, anything that wasn't completed in the gantt charts needs to be shown, we cannot use time constraints as a viable excuse, we've shown progress consistently so far. I've done mine and Aidans final targets for January, we will most likely do some assets textures during the last week primarily art target related, could you upload your sub group final targets please guys, list the things that are going to be in the art target and anything else that is near completion and aim to get them completed by the second week in January, I will set up a presentation template and by the second week in January everything should come together according to our production plan, the presentation needs to explain our game thoroughly and show consistent progression, we can't miss anything out! Keep uploading everything to the blog guys and don't forget the written work!

[Environment] Particle Effects

Aaran Griffiths

Here are the images created in Photoshop of the fireflies/virus that we'll be using as alternative ways to light the scene, these will be applied to the particle emitter in Maya, the fireflies (Acribugs) will be adorning the runic pillars and blue crystals (Acrinite) throughout the game whereas the purple particles (Regnibugs) will be adorning purple crystals and Gauss himself as a source of power:

[Character] Gauss Progress

Aaran Griffiths

This is just a quick update on the Gauss model progress, more detail needs to be put into the ridges on the body and head along with more progression on the arm and floating rocks, the crystal models for the shoulders and arms have already been completed alongside the runic icons, the particles have been created in Photoshop ready to be put into the emitter, they will be placed around Gauss' crystals and possibly his icon:

Wednesday 10 December 2014

[Environment] Tavern Interior - Chair

While my targets for the remaining week and to aim to complete the interior for the Tavern which is our January presentation art target.

Adding more appeal to the leg for the chair wanted the whole design.

Adding into the fact that the chair needs to

Adding a stone effect to the back side of the chair due to the legs being Wood with stone.

Models separately
 As seen in the model above showing the parts are separately modelled.

What it would look like together

Friday 5 December 2014

[Environment] Next week targets.

Its become clear that we are behind, we need to have a week were we create a considerable amount of work for next week.

Myself and Ben have come to the decision that we need to have ready for the blog by next Friday.

Tavern (Dec Target)
Sketches of all our assets to be completed ready to be used as ref for the design within Maya

Ben - Exterior
Kyle - Interior


Admin Office
Need to push for completion of this building as Ben will be handling the Exterior and Kyle will be doing the Interior. If not to be moved on with over Christmas.

Next week's Gantt Chart

[Environment] tavern exterior concept progress

This is the progress of the tavern concept, should be finished soon. All that needs to be done is add more details to the concept and finish off the roof. material to be used still deciding. The taverns sign needs a design too, only thing decided with it at the moment is the name.

[Engine] Health Potions

Engine Update

Health Potions

Stores health potion when player walks over pickup icon, icon is destroyed in game so player can only pick up one. Stores 1 potion, press Q to use. Player gains 60 health.

[Character] Deviant Head Icon

Aaran Griffiths

We wanted to do the runes for characters modular so they stood out more, we plan to put a glow of the corresponding colours on Gauss and the Deviants, the Deviants will have glowing eyes similar to that of the fireflies, the crystals will all be done modular also to gain maximum variation with enemies and Gauss' weaponry. We have yet decide on having the crystals glow or have them matte coloured with no alternative light coming from them:

[Environment/Character] Crystal Deposits

Aaran Griffiths

These are some environment assets I helped out with, we decided on 3 variations with multiple sizes, the reason for this was to create a plethora of unique deposits throughout the level, each type of crystal will be grouped together to create a unique deposit, these are also going to be used for Gauss and the Deviants. The colours will be blue (rare/Grimm) purple (common/Gauss) and green (Dormant). We have the colours of our two primary crystals blue and purple for Gauss and Grimm the two housers for the main source of power in the game and the green crystals because of the Deviants earth power, the green crystals won't have any real significance in the game however, just aesthetics. They will have broken crystals added later on and less clean and more rugged looks, with bits of undeveloped crystals scattered around the big deposits.

[Animation] Long Jump

This is a long Jump animation that Mark helped me do it still needs some cleaning but I just thought I would put it on the blog to see what people thought.

[Environment] warehouses updated

Ware houses have been updated so that now the windows and door have been modeled into each of the models. smaller details like the circular window/clock and the sign are still modular, just so it easier to texture and get more detail.

Warehouse 1 updated wireframe

Warehouse 1 updated normal

Warehouse 2 updated wireframe

Warehouse 2 updated normal