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Thursday 30 April 2015

Skydome Update

Aaran Griffiths

Here is the update for the skydome, following the previous error with creating a NURB skydome for animation I looked up videogame skydome tutorials and applied the techniques, this is the skydome as it currently stands ready for unreal, I may need to make minor adjustments if somehow I missed out on a bit when watching the tutorial:


UI Design Completion Update

Aaran Griffiths

Here are the components for the UI, everything has been completed bar a few minor tweaks to the options screen and colour balancing, the right sizes have been selected for each component and will be saved modular for engine implementation. I plan on adding the previously made title to the main menu area with either the game as it stands in the background or a still image/edited screenshot for the background of the menu, the button icons are the last thing that need to issued, however, I didn't know what buttons we were using for the game so I shall work on that and the final tweaks for the options screen over the weekend:

[Animation+Modelling] Guard targets + Merchant Interactive

Just a really simple guard target, borrowed Aidan wood texture to finish it. needs a light map no idea how you do those so would someone mind showing me. simple interaction of merchant talking not much to it

[Animation] Trailer Fight scene plus camera ideas

Flynn Vs Deviant fight, its just basic at the moment hopefully it will look good when its done also the top three are idea for camera shots to be used to film the fight


Wednesday 29 April 2015

Assets needed for completion:


Textures for courtyard assets
Lamp posts
Shop Signs
Bench/Crates/Table/Barrel textures (Aaran model)
Health potion model and texture
Tavern interior walls
Warehouse assets
Canal model
Sea walls
Rune pillar
small misc assets

[Trailer] Updates - Changing the look

Friday 24 April 2015

Merchants Cart

Aaran Griffiths

Here is the final merchant car, it has been saved as an fbx and given to Rhys for engine input, I'm not happy about the outcome regarding the texture, I think the brown was far to fluorescent and the base wood texture should have been edited rather than overlaid:

UI Update

Aaran Griffiths

This is my primary task for presentation date, in order to get a polished UI I've given my finished models to Aidan/Kyle for texturing, here are the loading screens created for the game based primarily off of Fable, we took reference from Fable as our game shares similar traits:

Left to do:

Health/Mana Bar
Button Designs
Main Menu Background
Potion/Crystal Icon
Inventory Background